Propriétaire du Site
Le Riad Le Ksar de Fès Aïn Chgag Wilaya de Fès 30000 Fès Medina - Maroc Register of the current trade - being Patente
Phone : +212 535 66 5018
Publication director
Khadija Mrida
Publication director
Khadija Mrida
Site Directed by
François JACQ
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The website under the principle of the protection of Copyright, established by article L.111-1 of the Code of Intellectual Property. It is wholly owned by Khadija Mrida. The entire contents - texts, logos, scripts, images, icons ... - is protected. No copying, reproduction, distribution, modification, transmission (by download, email, or any other medium of communication) even partial (other than that provided for in Article L 122-5 of the CPI *) of this content can be made without the express permission of Khadija Mrida. All photos site are protected by copyright, they can not be used without the permission of Khadija Mrida. By using this site, the user agrees not to interfere with proper operation by malicious acts against the aforementioned site or editor (such as identity theft, address or manipulation of electronic identifiers). The information published on this site are not contractual. Responsibility for Khadija Mrida not be held responsible for inaccuracies or omissions.
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